Saturday, June 27, 2009

This week's roundup

Kapil Sibal’s boastful pronouncement that he would do away with board exams is needless distraction to the real issue plaguing our education system "Quality of Education".
Mr. Minister needs to pay visit to a typical govt run school to understand the ground level conditions. Most of the state run schools operate in dilapidated buildings with little or no infrastructure.
Not to say that attempts are not being made to improve the conditions in schools. Sarva Siksha Abhiyan is a step in the right direction. However as with all the large and visionary schemes in India I think this too is failing due to lack of planning, control and monitoring.
I visited a school which is a beneficiary of the funds in a remote village in Khammam Dt in AP. The school is running in a ruined structure, classes are held under trees and there I see a packed TV set lying unused. Guess what the school does not get power at all during the day? In another school outskirts of Hyderabad they have a new computer with dust gathering, reason the school has no power connection.
There is no point in announcing grandiose plans when the foundation itself is weak. Let’s get the basics in primary education right first. 1) Curriculum design 2) Infrastructure 3) Teachers 4) Delivery methods and not the least getting the child to school.
Time is also ripe to think about voucher model of allowing parents to choose private schools. Of course this is new to India and a clear policy need to be laid out on who the beneficiaries should be.
The fundamental problem of delivery of quality education to our children is a larger issue and needs to be addressed taking into consideration the geographical and cultural diversity of this country. One size does not fit all at least in this case.
To conclude –
This week the AP Olympic association governing committee names were announced and it came to light that there is not even a single olympian in the governing body. It consists of politicos from the Congress and TDP. When will this joke end in this country?
Shopian is a shame. There should be a thorough investigation and guilty punished.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Implementation and Monitoring of National schemes

Central and State governments are planning and rolling large out social and Infrastructure related programs that aim to benefit the rural and urban poor. However its time to take an unbiased view of the success and outcomes of these programs.
Let’s take NREG, it is a well meaning initiative that aims to guarantee 200 days or so work. I have seen its implementation in my village and have doubts on the effectiveness of the outcome. Men and women are being put to dig harvest canals in hot sun. The collective output is a couple of feet width and length of canal clearance. Once the water is released into the canals for the harvest the effort would be annulled. Can there be better thinking on the implementation, can such effort be used for canal lining so that the product stays longer and is useful. I guess we can gain 10 times more productivity by using machinery to dig canal than using axes and pickles.
There might me cases of success of NREG as reported in the media but such schemes should be clear on the guidelines and what types of activities can be carried out as part of the scheme.
Take the case of White ration cards in Andhra Pradesh. The number of ineligible families owning the White card is mind blowing. Very poor execution and monitoring of these schemes is one of the reasons that the real beneficiaries are being left behind.
Farm loan waiver is one another case which was implemented in a haphazard manner. It always seems to be the case where the real ones for whom it is planned is left out during the implementation.
Delivery mechanisms of the central and state social welfare schemes need to be reviewed. Planning out ways to deliver the benefits directly to the recipient without intermediate layers is one way. Laws should be enacted to penalize and make it a criminal offence to benefit from such programs if one is not the intended beneficiary. Else Central and state governments will be rolling out schemes which are useful for electoral purposes but not for the real purpose of their initiation “benefiting the poor “.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Women at the helm

Meria kumar's elevation to the helm of speaker is a welcome move and in the right direction. She richly deserves the honor for having served the the nation in various capacities over the years. Though she had the advantage of being Babu Jagjivan Ram's daughter she did not flaunt and use it to her advantage like many of the scions of political families. I hope her humble and calm demeanor would help in creating a right impact on the parliamentary proceedings.

Though much is being made out of her Dalit background i think it is largley symbolic. Coming from a priveleged family i am not sure she was subject to the same discrimination and suffereings that the other dalit women face on a day to day basis. Having said that symbolism helps and i am sure she would inspire many more women from poorer backgrounds to come out of the vicious cycle of poverty and discrimination.

The issue is in India we do things symbolic and they remain that, consider that we had Indira Gandhi as the prime minister for 15 long years, i am note sure if she had done enough to legislate laws to empower women. In that sense Meira kumar's elevation itself may not have a significant impact unless she tries to use her influence to push laws which protect women's rights. The women's reservation bill would be a step in the right direction.

Coming specifically to the Dalit women the problems are humongous. Education is the most important assest that can assist this class to assert themselves and put them on the ladder of economic progression. There are other socio-economic issues that needs immedaite focus by ruling parties both the centre and state.

Coming back to the central point of women's welfare i think it is time to have a ministry to for women's welfare in the central and state levels to give priority and focus to the aspects of 1) Literacy 2) Health care 3) Employment etc. These are some of the steps that need to be taken to improve the well being of women of this country who constitute close 45% of the population, else such tokenism of elevating them to higher offices will remain token.

National Elections 2009 – A critique on BJP’s performance

An analysis of the pitfalls BJP faced in its quest to regain power. This is an external view on the party’s shortcomings and suggests steps to be taken to strentghen its base and improve its reach.
1) Greatest misstep– Internal bickering. (Mr. Jaitely and Sudhanshu Mittal on Assam issue, how can a National party allow this to happen at the time of National Elections? There are many such instances. This was projected in the media as BJP’s weakness, inability to work together, ego battles etc. Varun Gandhi's comments did it take away the urban middle class votes ?
2) Alliance management – BJD breaking off has been a setback but the way the Sena alliance was closed gave no confidence to the public that it is a National alliance to vote for
3) Pub issue – Though this has apparently not affected the result in Karnataka and Mangalore region it had an impact in the urban areas. Media (T.V and Print) showed the party as retrogressive. The party’s core ‘i.e.’ urban middle class especially women moved away
4) Ram Mandir – Congress projected this as a one agenda party. Knowing very well that this is complex issue and will take time the issue should have been played low. Public felt irritated when it is being said temple will be built …..
5) Personal attacks on PM – This was overdone and public were not ready to accept such criticism of the PM
6) Youth – There were not many youthful faces campaigning for the party. Priyanka vs. Modi was a hands down victory for congress on who is projecting youth
7) Party Management – There is a perception that there are too many groups in the party and it is not unified. This gives a poor image to the public
8) Mobilization of the middleclass – No particular attempt was made to mobilize the middle class voters who are the party’s core, they have moved to the congress
9) Telengana – Telengana in A.P is a fertile area for the BJP to strengthen its base in one more state in the south. But poor leadership in the state is not helping
10) Nuclear Issue – Middle class felt that the Nuclear deal was good for the country and the party should have taken a nuanced stance rather than looking against it
11) Jumping the gun attitude – what is the need for projecting Mr. Modi as a PM in contention. Again media overplayed it and it looked like the party has groups and is not unified
Focus areas for bouncing back –
1) Youth to the fore – The second line should come forward with positive agenda. Need to induct more youth. Who are the Sachin pilot’s and Scindia’s in BJP. Can the party rope in someone like Pratibha Advani? Kishan Reddy in A.P to National level? Manvendra Singh to a spokesman level? ( Names taken arbitrarily can be any one young and energetic)
2) Positive agenda – Project a positive face and agenda. Infrastructure, Health care for the poor, Employment opportunities etc
3) Build strong leadership back in the BC and OBC sections of the party.
4) Lure back the urban voters. Banish Ram Sena type of elements. They are not useful to the party image. People like progressive outlook.
5) Identify new states where the party can make gains – Telengana in AP, some areas in Kerala, Maharastra,UP and Identify future contestants, mentor them to be ready to run for office from now on. Work with an objective of winning at least one seat in all states where the party has minimal presence
6) Don’t make noise on every Valentine’s Day it is not important at all. Party should spend time building and cultivating base
7) Start looking afresh at alliances. Most of the last 5 years was spent in managing Shiv sena who was looking to move towards NCP. Do you need alliances if you have a core base?
8) Be aware that the party is incumbent in crucial states which will be going for elections in the next 3 years. Governance should be given top most criteria in these states.
9) Focus on capturing women voters in the urban and rural areas. They are long term companions compared to men
10) Attack the government policies not the person
11) Make presence felt these 5 years, public should not think that the main opposition party has given up
12) Make inroads into the student community/youth via web. Strengthen BJP student wings. Do not underestimate the image of Rahul Gandhi you have a formidable force in him you need to counter him through the same youth.
13) BJP is suffering the same image like the Republicans in the US. Need youthful and thoughtful leadership like the Democrats
14) Most Important – Right now identify 200 seats to be won in 2014 and start cultivating them. That is the bench mark set by Congress. This is the most important activity for the BJP now, and should start the process in right ernest.

Church vs Hindutva in AP

  The past year we have seen  damage to about 140 temples and now illegal construction of a Church on top of  a hill lock in Edlapadu in Gun...