Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dismissive at your own cost

Our leaders have once again proved that they suffer from foot in the mouth disease. Some of the comments on the Nirbhaya incident show how far away from reality they are. Their frustation was evident in their incoherent utterances. They want citizens to be like cattle - be passive.Tthey hate demonstrations, they think they know what is good for us. You guys do not know how to run the country, make laws etc is the attitude.In the process they forgot that the new India is a connected India, there is no information gap like in the past. The new India is a danger to the political class they will keep embarassing them at every opportunity.

The response to the call from Anna on Lokpal was instantaneuos, the youth of the country for the first time rallied around him to push the government. The Delhi Nirbhaya incident is the second time. It is getting frequent and political class better be agile, be responsive and do not be dismissive.

The Khaps are still living in their own world. Thir end is not too far.


  1. Current Government is using people's emotions for vote bank politics..I haven't seen structured approach to prevent Delhi Incidents...Some politicians in Parliament irresponsibly mentioned death penalty in 30 days for rapists..Is it possible???????
    Real Victims never get justice...Not to mention that some these Laws being misused

  2. Democracy is just on paper - It's time for Hitler rule in India!

  3. We have to be very aggressive in altering the laws and punish the culprits speedy.


Church vs Hindutva in AP

  The past year we have seen  damage to about 140 temples and now illegal construction of a Church on top of  a hill lock in Edlapadu in Gun...