The world is realizing now but an Indian looks anything related to China with skepticism. Some of this stems from the 1962 war, the Chinese occupation of Aksai chin and Chinese occupation of Shaksam valley( gifted by Pakistan). Most Indians hate that Tibet is occupied by China and Indian leadership at that time kept quiet when the Chinese occupied Tibet. Tibet was a buffer between India and China and with its occupation India lost a natural defense. Ask any Indian foreign services officer to know about the Chinese deceit.
A closed country with authoritarian rule China is still a hard nut to crack for the world. China's growth statistics, financial markets etc are opaque. Any sort of dissidence is punished severely. Many warriors of democracy are rotting in Chinese jails. Even President Trump with all his threats to China surrendered to it on the trade deal. Chinese grip on the US market is scary. Pretty much everything in US stores is Chinese made.
Listen to Senator Marc Rubio on the threat Chinese pose to US economy and innovation -
China under Xi Jinping is even bigger threat. Having appointed himself as President for life or some thing like that Xi is busy expanding Chinese influence across the world. Xi is positioning Chinas a superpower and is trying to take US and Russia head on.The easiest victims to fall under this baleful Chinese influence are the poorer nations, Srilanka, Pakistan and many sub Saharan African countries. Pakistan is in fact an extended province of China. Pakistan leadership surrendered to the Chinese completely.
Even though the country is authoritarian corruption in the government and private sector is deep. The 2008 Chinese milk scandal raised concerns about food safety and political corruption in China. The political appointees are known to exploit the poor and are extremely corrupt. The central party often cleans up the hierarchy of any dissidence and dare anyone talk about democracy.
Virus originating from China is not new, In 1997 there was bird flu H5N1 virus which made lot of Hongkong residents sick and many died. The origin is from mainland china. The Chinese govt denied about any spread from main land and obfuscated the truth.
In 2002 there was a global crisis about SARS which originated in China. " SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) originated in animals and made the leap from animal to human infection somewhere in the Guangdong province of China in late 2002. The condition was relatively contained for several months. During that time, the Chinese government failed to appropriately tackle the problem and the virus eventually spread elsewhere, leading to worldwide panic. By 2003, there were about 8,000 infected people worldwide and almost 800 SARS-related deaths [source: Medical News Today; NAID] - read the article here -
Currently we have the Corona virus spreading like wild fire across the globe. The origin Wuhan market china. The Chinese govt and WHO gave incorrect and incomplete information to the world about the nature and potential destructive nature of the virus. Today Corona is a global pandemic with deaths across the world. China is upset when people call it Chinese or Wuhan virus. Some countries are calling for war like reparations. Who will hold china culpable in this world wide human and economic destruction. It is time to stop the Chinese.
Read this on why Virus's keep originating from china -
Views expressed above are personal
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